Saturday, August 17, 2013

Do you ever miss?

Everybody misses. I miss all the time.  I miss when I used to write on this blog on a regular basis. Well a more regular basis anyway ha. I miss my family when I am at school and I miss school when I am with my family. I miss going to the lake every summer in NY. I miss when I spent a whole semester hanging with the crew. I miss the times when my two best friends and I would have sleepovers every weekend and we couldn't go anywhere without each other. I miss people. I miss the close relationships that build over the years, but sometimes grow a part. I miss last fourth of July. I also miss the time when people weren't always on electronics. I miss the days when I could hold my baby sister and when my dog was a puppy. I miss my tan skin that doesn't require makeup. I miss playing pretend as a kid, and my adventures as an adult. I miss feeling giddy over a crush. And I miss a person I met on a plane. Sometimes I just miss particular weekends. Like I miss spontaneously going to D.C. with a good old pal ;) And I miss going river rafting in Boise with some crazy, fun people. Or sometimes, I miss particular minutes. Like the minutes I danced with one of my favorite people on the planet and I felt like I was on Dancing with the Stars--mostly because he sparkles and is out of this world. Other times, I miss seconds. The seconds that sentimental words are exchanged between loved ones gone.

Occasionally, I even miss the future. For instance, as crazy as it sounds, I was at a 70th birthday party the other day and all of a sudden, I couldn't wait to be 70. I was just so excited to have all my kids and grandkids around me where I felt their love and appreciation. Even though that may be considered more of a longing, there are other things in the future I'll miss. Like I know I will miss my mission after I come home. I know I will miss college when it is over and I will miss my kids when they are grown.

But if I truly, full-heartedly missed all of these things, then in reality it seems that there is only one thing I am always missing; I am missing the mark.

It is easy to miss the mark and it happens to us all. So often I believe we "miss" what is important. We miss the moments that we are creating right now.
When I sit next to this beautiful boy and talk to him into all hours of the night. I don't miss him in that moment. Because he is right there in front of me. When my sister copies me while I am trying to be serious; I don't appreciate it in that moment. When I see rainbow in the sky, I don't miss it, rather I enjoy it.
But once those moments are gone, we tend to miss them. Did I ever think I would miss my sisters copying me? Probably not, but when I don't see them for months on end. I do miss it. Mostly, I just miss being with them and the bond of our sisterhood growing. If we step back, we may find that we are in a moment now, which we may miss one day.

It's hard to see when you are in that moment. But look at this. Right now, you are reading this blog. Maybe one day, you will be in a place that doesn't have computers or wifi and you will miss reading blogs. Did you ever think you would miss reading my blog? Probably not. And likely you never will ;) But since we live in such a changing world, you never know the things you will miss.

As I read all of the things I listed above as things that I miss, I see that I am constantly in a moment, which I could grow to love more than I do in the very moment the memory was made. That's kind of what missing is--it's appreciating things more as time goes on. In that perspective, it is okay to miss things. But when it clouds our vision of the present then "missing" can be to our disadvantage. Living a life of missing, isn't really living a life.

Instead of "missing", we can look forward with hope and brightness, and we can look back with a grateful heart, but choose to live in the present.

Appreciate the things that are in front of you right now and you will find that you are full of happiness and gratitude. That is living.

Yesterday, I got called to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Brazil Porto Alegre Mission and I am so beyond thrilled. I know I will miss my family and friends when I am there, but upon my return, I know I will miss the people of Brazil. So I won't say that I am not going to miss, but I will say that I will try my hardest to appreciate the beautiful moments that make up my life. I will look forward with faith and hope and live life to the fullest in every moment I am blessed to have another breath.

Live. Laugh. Love.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Let your heart say Love Love Love :)

So it has been quite a while since I decided to post but I felt that I wanted to again start documenting my life. Mostly because there is this thing that happened which makes it worth talking about.

I fell in love.

I's crazy. I personally had a hard time believing it at first too.
I tip-toed around that 'love' bush for as long as I could because even though those roses were pretty... the thorns were scary.
To be honest, it took me a while to realize that the bush was thornless.
Finally, I picked the rose and my life has never been better. 
Now, this 'falling in love thing' didn't happen all at once.
But it surely happened. In perfect time and in a perfect way.
I guess some people would say it was fast but it felt just right. 

Remember last year how I wrote a post about love? Okay you probably don't ha but you can go look up last Valentine's Day so you're catching my references ;). But that 'perfect love' I described, it's real! 
What in the world?! I know. Who knew that fairytales actually existed? But it isn't a fairytale in the sense that we are hopelessly in love and we can't see reality. It is a fairytale because I see everything perfectly clear including our flaws and mishaps and I still couldn't think of anyone else I would rather spend my time with. 
I am so grateful for a prince charming who never fails to open my car door and kiss me once I slide in. I am grateful for a best friend that helps me become better. I love that when I see him, whatever time of day, it feels like coming home. I know that I am the luckiest girl because I have his love. He makes me unbelievably happy. I know my life will never be the same. 
The coolest part though is that I am not afraid to say it...

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Baseball with the Baileys

This could possibly be my new hobby. I kind of love it. So if you want to know what my family is like then you should watch this clip.

They are my best friends. I love my life.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

She's Back.

This night she realized all she had..and that is everything she really wanted.

Simple happenings of the day:

This morning. She woke up to an e-mail from one of her favorite people. Bradley. She misses the fun times they had together. But she is happy for him while he is serving the Lord.

She said goodbye to her best friend's husband-to-be for two years. On the car ride over, she said she wasn't really sad, but happy for him. For that reason, she didn't plan on crying. On the contrary, watching all the other weepy women, she herself joined in. Mostly it was an ache for her best friend because she knew the pain her friend will go through at his departure. She remembered the time that she too endured that. Those boys have and will do great things. She is grateful for their service; looks back with a tear in her eye and smile on her face.

She is counting days by the mail system. It's embarrassing, really. Ha. She is playing tic-tac-toe with a boy who is miles and miles away and soon will be half way across the world. She kind of loves it though. She wishes at 11:11 that he gets her letter in time to write her back--11:11 was kind of their thing. But it's weird because they are best pals, nothing more, yet she finds so much joy in hearing from him. Her favorite part is the pictures he draws. Or maybe their inside jokes. Kind of everything.

She had a really weird dream. Actually, she kissed someone in her dream. That usually doesn't happen unless she likes the person in real life. Then she told the main character about the contents of the dream. It was probably not her brightest idea. It'll be an interesting reunion this weekend--no kissing involved though, you can be assured.

She had the greatest reunion with her roommate. Only been a part two weeks and they still squealed when they saw each other. Her roommate talked some sense into her about a particular boy. It was much needed. They then talked about important things. They talked forever. Laughed and cried and caught up on life.

She will be tan for summer. She revisited a home she spent a few weeks hanging out at four summers ago. She didn't even have to ask them for the address, she remembered the way. She did a flip in the pool. She was embarrassed by the bruise she had on her leg--don't know where that came from. But she came out burnt despite the deceiving white skin she had for the whole two and a half hours. It was all of our goals to get a little sun truthfully. It's weird how fast we grow up. Boys to men. Girls to women.

She woke up and ran two miles. She is getting back into herself again. It's kind of important. We want her back.

She talked to her friend who made her realize how much she loves her dad. She has the best dad ever. Her dad is always there to talk or to help her out. Her dad would do anything for her and tonight she understood how grateful she is for a dad who cares.

She asked a boy to come visit her when she got up to school in the summer. He said he would love nothing more and would surely love to see her again. It was a better response than she hoped. Who wouldn't love to spend a couple days with an italian boy. ;)

She drove on the highway with wet hair and the windows down. Seems silly but it was so enjoyable to her. She blasted the music and let her hair air dry, it was a Texas thing. She also has kind of missed driving.

O and! She got to skype her friend from school. She took this kid for granted and now she kind of misses him. It was a good chat. He told her she was actually dorky unbeknownst to most people. She liked that he knew that but still wanted to be her friend anyway. True colors shining. She then fell asleep while they were still chatting. Oops. Kind of embarrassing.

Earlier that day, she got to help a friend who ran out of gas. She loved seeing them so she didn't mind helping out. Mother and daughter preparing for a wedding. Lovely.

All in all, she is back. I don't know where she went but she is back. xoxo

Moral: Be grateful for the little things.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Pure Bliss

Today will go down in history because of some of the events that have already taken place...and it's only 11 AM! Twas an unexpected event, for sure, but I would say it was quite noteworthy. Sometimes though, I like being kind of mysterious so I probably am not going to tell you what the event was. (Hehe) I will just say that I have some of the greatest friends and I am so grateful for them. Happy Day :)

Best Friends Forever
(Fawn and Pretty Cat)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Hi Beautiful.

She gasps...
Things change. (It begins to rain)
She gains courage...
Never mind.
Moves forward... (Into the rain)
Moves on.
Overcoming fears...
New Adventures.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Keep Calm and Carry On

It was one of those weeks.
The weeks where you learn lessons of life through trials.
The week you would never take away but never relive.
Well I guess that's a little dramatic.

I am fine.
Life is good.
The weather was amazing.
But it was a different week.
I kind of wanted to be left alone...
But yet I just needed someone.
There were people who pulled through
and there were people who let me down.
Little acts of service made the day a little brighter.
I became more grateful for true friends.

Still...the aches remained.
I thought the next day I would be cured.
I wouldn't want to be left alone.

The decisions in my life have been difficult.
I was so ambitious in pursuing my goals that this block...
made me want to just give up.
Give up?
Who is that speaking?
This girl dreams big.
This girl doesn't give up.
How silly...just one little block.
Pick it up and move on, right?
Easy. Well sort of easy.
Emotional ties to plans can be hard to drop.
Honestly, I pride myself in adjusting to change.
I love change.
But it isn't always easy, even if it is a #firstworldproblem.

Guess what? We all have these weeks, the weeks where we are just a little down.
I usually pretend like they don't exist in my life.
People have other problems, bigger problems.
Who am I to have anything to be sad about, to complain about?
I wouldn't say I have the right but I am entitled to the feelings.
We need these feelings to grow.
If I didn't feel sad, disappointed or frustrated, how could I ever be happy, joyous or at peace?
I learned a very important lesson.
We can make plans but the only plan we know for sure will work is the plan God has for us.

I am trusting in the plan God has for me. I don't know what good will come of it, maybe more than what would come of my own plan.
I don't know how He wants me to choose though.
But I have faith.
Things happen for a reason.
People come into our lives for a purpose.
Great things are in store for us.
I know my divine potential.
I know that I can accomplish anything I put my mind to.
I know I am a Child of God and He loves me.

So now I have resolved to 'Come what may and love it.'

Moral: We all have those days, but ultimately, we must trust in the plan God has for us.